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A beautiful six-kilometre-long forest promenade runs along the seafront. Dąbki is situated in a coastal climate zone with a strong effect on the human body, moderated by forest areas and the proximity of the extensive Bukowo Lake.

Clean, moist and cool air is very conductive to improving the respiratory system. Staying in this climate helps deepen your breath and increase the respiratory capacity of the lungs. The coastal climate is highly beneficial for the treatment of respiratory diseases and allergies, so numerous in children and adults today.
Coastal air is characterized by increased iodine content. In the warm season, during sunny weather, there is the so-called sea-land breeze, caused by differences in the heating of the air over the sea and land. This favorable biometeorological phenomenon has a moderating effect on thermal stimuli and increases the content of sea aerosol and iodine in the coastal zone, which is of great importance, especially for the acclimatization of children aged 3 to 6 years, coming to Dąbki from highly polluted urban environments.
Dąbki, as a clean-air resort, meets these indications throughout - within a radius of many kilometers there are no sources of pollutant emissions, and large areas of forest provide additional protection against their influx. In the air there is a large amount of phytoncides with bacteriological, bacteriostatic and stimulating effect on the human respiratory system. The considerable diversity of the local climate (microclimate of the beach, specific climatic conditions of the coastal zone, forest greenery - mainly pine forest - and the lake) are conducive to dosing children with various climatic stimuli.


Bukowo Morskie - was settled by Cistercians brought from Dargun in Mecklenburg. The first princely grants took place between 1248 and 1253, and the incorporation is connected with the donation of Duke Swietopelk II, who founded a Cistercian monastery here. Sacred Heart of Jesus Church from the 13th/14th century, Gothic style. The interior contains a northern Gothic triptych, a Gothic epitaph and a Renaissance pulpit from the 17th century. Next to the church is a former manor park with a sculpture by Wilhelm Gross. The town is part of the "European Cistercian Trail." In July, the annual "Cistercian Tournament for a barrel of mead" is held.

Dobiesław - an ecclesiastical (abbey) and peasant village with medieval roots, founded in the 1370s by the Cistercians of Bukowsko. Our Lady of Częstochowa Church from the 15th century, Gothic style. The interior contains a granite stoup from the 15th century and a bell from 1805. Fencing of the church square is made of eclectic and Art Nouveau metal pens.

Jeżyce - The first princely grants took place between 1248 and 1253. Associated with sacred architecture are the buildings of the former pastor houses, which have survived and serve as parsonages. Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn Church from the 19th century, neo-Gothic, brick, single-nave. Monument to German soldiers killed in World War I.

Słowino Rezerwat Słowińskie Błota - Within a forest complex with a predominance of beeches and oaks is the "Słowińskie Błota" reserve. This is the best preserved high peatbog of the Baltic type in Poland with a huge number of diverse species of flora and fauna.

Słowino - Słowino Elevation of the Holy Cross Church, bricked, single-nave, which burned down in 1808 during the village fire and was rebuilt in the 1870s. At the church lapidarium is the Sculpture of Wilhelm Gross along with a linden alley. Village with numerous half-timbered homesteads. Annual July folk-craft festival "Cottage Construction".

Boleszewo – Evangelical Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic church, tower from circa 1500.

Stary Jarosław – Holy Cross Church from the 14th century, Gothic style, bricked, single-nave. The interior contains an altar, pulpit, the "Christ Crucified" sculpture from the 17th century. Baroque style, granite stoup from the 15th century. Former cemetery - presently: church square with preserved fragments of metal pens, pedestals, metal crosses.

Stary Jarosław – "antiques of the Darłowo region - a collection of our ancestors" - Tadeusz Konieczny tel. 695 843 808

Krupy Krupy Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn Church from the 14th century, Gothic style, brick, single-nave. The interior contains a main altar, a baroque pulpit and a sculpture "Group of the Crucifixion" from the early 16th century. Preserved few half-timbered homesteads from the 19th century.

Kowalewice Kowalewice Sacred Heart of Jesus Church from 1879, neo-Gothic style, brick, single-nave. Monument to German soldiers killed in World War I, shaped in the form of a pillar topped with a Maltese cross.

Kowalewiczki - Windmill from the 17th century, wooden, Dutch type, rotating.

Barzowice Panorama viewpoint - located in the northeastern part of the municipality. The village buildings are located on the northern slope of an elongated moraine hump. To the southeast of it rises the highest peak of this part of the moraine: "Barzowicka Góra", 72 m above sea level. Beautiful sunsets against the background of Kopań Lake and the Baltic Sea.

Barzowice Barzowice St. Francis of Assisi Church from the 15th century, Gothic style, brick, single-nave. The interior contains a Gothic wall cabinet from the 15th century. Few preserved homestead buildings.

Palczewice Manor Park - The largest and most impressive park of landscape character from the late 19th century with an area of 2 hectares, deciduous stand, 12 species of trees.

Cisowo Cisowo St. Stanislaus Kostka Church from 1321, Gothic style, brick, single-nave. The interior contains a Baroque pulpit and main altar, Renaissance pews, stoup from the 14th century. Few surviving homestead buildings.

City of Darłowo - Between 1352 and 1372 the representative Castle of the Pomeranian Dukes was built, which was rebuilt and expanded many times, served as the duke's residence, now home to the Regional Museum. St. Mary's Church from the 14th century. Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima. Among the most interesting sights in the church are the sarcophagi of the dukes of Pomerania: Eric I, Duke of Pomerania and King of Denmark, Sweden and Norway; Elisabeth, Princess of Denmark, who died in 1653; and Princess Hedwig, daughter of Elisabeth of Denmark. St. Gertrude's Church - This is a shingle-roofed Gothic church unique in Pomerania. Its construction dates back to 1450 -1460, the period of King Eric's stay in Darłowo (1449 -1459). Noteworthy features include a neo-Baroque organ prospectus from 1912 and an organ from 1860. St. George's Church is the third surviving medieval church in Darłowo; it is brick, plastered, built in the 15th century. The High Gate - a 14th-century tower, also known as the Stone Gate or the Brick Gate. The Fisherman's Monument - the monument, which also serves as a fountain, is located almost in the center of the old town, right next to the town hall. This monument was designed by the well-known German artist Wilhelm Gross in 1919 and was erected in honor of seafarers. Gothic Town Hall - Rebuilt in 1725. Noteworthy is the remaining Renaissance portal from the previous town hall, located above the entrance door. It depicts the city's coat of arms - a griffin with a fish's tail and an inscription in Latin.